Mifab C1600 Series Deep Seal Trap with Floor Cleanout
MIFAB-C1600 SeriesSpecification:
MIFAB C1600 Series (specify strainer size) deep seal trap cleanout with floor drain strainer, gasketed membrane clamp and side outlet.
Used as a combination floor drain and floor cleanout for access to drainage lines in areas where the floor drain and cleanout are required to be located close together. The membrane clamp is gasketed for a watertight seal and the cover is water and gas tight.
-1 | Nickel bronze strainer and cleanout top |
-3 | Stainless steel strainer and cleanout top |
-4 | Ductile iron strainer and cleanout top |
-13 | All galvanized |
-ARRA | ARRA (Stimulus Act) compliant product |
-BA | Buy American Act compliant product |
-PA | Pennsylvania Steel Act compliant product |
None available