Leonard 5500 5510 Aquatrol Valves

To insure proper valve identification, please provide the Leonard valve serial number, located on inside of wall flange.

Leonard Parts Troubleshooting Chart
Kit Req'd Parts inclued:
PACKINGS & O' Rings 1. Leak at valve stem or handle.
2. Valve will not shut off completely
3.Valve is diffcult to pull apart.
Kit 1/55 (Discontinued use Kit R/55)
CARTRIDGE 4. Valve delivers either all hot or all cold water, or will not mix consistently. Kit R/55
CHECKSTOPS 5. Supplies cannot be shut off completey.
6. Leak at checkstop stem or bonnet.
05470 (2ea)

Refer to the Operational and Maintenance guide for full Troubleshooting Instructions.

Items in Leonard 5500 5510 Aquatrol Valves

Leonard 5416 5500 Temp Stop 05416

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Leonard 5419 Aquatrol Handle

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Replacement Leonard* Kit R/55* Aquatrol* III Complete Kit

Broach Points 20
Length 4-1/2in
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